Batti's staff app

Name: Batti
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:149886113
Age: 13
Timezone: UTC+1
Do You Have A Mic: Yes but i dont use it
Do You Have Any Experience Of Being Staff: Yes quite a lot. I have been staff on this server for a long time. I resigned a bit ago and I'm currently superadmin for building, making textscreens and fixing xgui.
How Many Warnings Do You Have (minimum Of 3): 0
Why Should We Pick You Over Someone Else: Because most of the staff team knows me, and I have been with the server for a long time now.
What Can You Bring To The Server And Staff Team: I will be very active, I have quite a lot of experience, I can still help with building and fixing xgui(ULX). I have a lot of time on gmod so don't worry about me being inactive.
Tell Us Something About Yourself: I love playing on piano. I do 8 hours of sport every week. I like speedskating(the sport I go to). Fuck school. Yolo on staff app xd.
How Active Are You On The Server: I am very active. Maybe 2-3 hours every day. In weekends I'm a lot more active. Every thursday I have almost no time to be on the server so don't expect me to be online.

Staff Questions:
"CT PVT 6969 Zaros" Has Been Reported For FailRP And RDM, What Would You Do If You Were A Staff Member: First of all bring him. Then get the person(s) who reported him to explain what happend. Out from if it's true or false I will either warn, kick or ban him.
You See A Moderator Abuse His Powers, What Would You Do If You Were A Staff Member: I will report it to Hord with evidence of it since I wont be allowed to demote him. If I'm above him in staff I will warn him/her.
You See The Owner Abuse His Powers, What Would You Do If You Were A Staff Member: I really can't do anything else than talk to the owner, co owner and head of staff. It's hard to do anything about it since he pays for the server.
A Player Reports A person For Abusing His Powers, He Has No Witnesses And No Evidence, What Would You Do If You Were A Staff Member: I will spectate the person or follow the person around and see if he does it again. If we had logs I would check them.
